Have you ever made something and then wondered why (no children jokes - I like mine)? I saw this project from a woodworker I follow. It looked interesting and would require me to develop a few skills I had not tried (segmented ring, router circles, deep router hollow-out, template cuts). It came out reasonably OK (after having to remake a few big mistakes). Like all first-time skills, I know what I would do the next time to make it better. But the better question is why would I make it again? It has a walnut base with cherry trays. It is meant as a serving dish for veggies, chips, whatever. The challenge is that we don't do much of that type of entertaining in our hermit lifestyle. The larger problem is where and how do you store such a piece? These are questions I have posed to Donnice! We will see if she can answer them. All of the trays come out where you could use the base as a chip holder or maybe a non-wood bowl of salsa/dip for example. The underside is also pretty. What are...