You Otter See This
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Though an endangered species, Sea Otters were easy to find during our boat trip. We saw singles and a few small groups. They were not worried about boats or people for the most part. We saw them just floating/resting/napping on their back or just casually swimming along in the middle of the bay. They are larger than I expected and are the largest species of the weasel family.
From an Alaskan wildlife site:
Adult sea otters can reach lengths of up to 6 feet (1.8 m) but average about 4.5 feet (1.4 m). Adult male otters weigh from 70 - 90 pounds (32-41 kg) with some males reaching up to 100 pounds (46 kg). Adult female otters average 40 - 60 pounds (18-27 kg).
This is probably my best photo of otter details and I would estimate it to be in the average size range cited above. I cannot get over those hind feet!
Doug White
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