Ranch - 14
We travel to many locations on this ranch looking for birds. We are watching tree-lines and listening to calls while looking for the right lighting. We spent 4 or 5 hours capturing these images and a fair portion of that was waiting and seeing nothing. That's OK and not so much different than fishing. The company is good and enjoying nature is part of the experience. Occasionally grabbing a few photos like these make for great memories. We found another painted bunting as he was foraging on the ground. He was probably looking for insects though we did not see him eat anything this day. Just like in the trees, they don't stay in one place for long. Those beautiful colors are likely a liability when it comes to evading a predator! In a blink of the eye, he is flying off again. Enjoy another double photo post today. Thanks, Doug White https://jdwarchive.blogspot.com/