And Again?
I hope everybody enjoyed their Thanksgiving. If you ventured out on Black Friday, may you have a quick recovery today!
I had built up a large collection of hardwood scraps from various builds over the past year. My daughter likes to mess around with them when we have an extended visit - such as the past week. We decided to build yet another cutting board - this time a chaos board. Other board builders have done similar projects and we thought it might be a neat use of the scraps. The challenge with this type board is the number of glue-ups, re-sizing/cutting/cleanup required. The extra steps certainly add to the time required. If you know our daughter, you know that once she has a project, she is persistent as heck! She kept me in the shop quite a bit this past week as we worked out details and construction. This board will be kept by me as it is a memory of time spent with her. She has a similar board we made several years ago from scraps. She and Josh use it all the time and can attest to the durability of an end-grain cutting board. This one will stay in our house with the plan to actually use it! It is 12-1/2" W x 19" L x 1-5/8" D. Most of the wood is cherry, maple, walnut with a few pieces of purpleheart, jatoba, and sapele scattered in.
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