Train - 11 - End of Alaska Photos
This is the end of the Alaska photos. As we continued south, the Denali mountain range became more pronounced. Unfortunately, the clouds set in and we were in rain for the last 1/3 of our trip so we visited with passengers around us. These photos show the heavy clouds over the mountain range (first two photos) but they still have some decent landscape features. The conductor announced we were passing Denali Mountain but the clouds were so heavy, nobody had a clear definition of what the conductor was pointing out! I am guessing that the last photo is Denali Mountain. I have tried comparing its profile to clear-weather photos on the net and I think I'm correct in my assumption. My traveling partners were not giving me much encouragement at the time. To be honest, the photo was more clear (editing can remove some of the haze) in hindsight than I thought we could see at the time.
The emails will slow down now as we have not done much since the Alaska trip. I have a few small things I will share but the pickings start getting slim. I appreciate the nice comments from so many of you the past couple of weeks as we worked through the Alaska trip.
Wishing you all the best.
Doug White
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