Bernheim - 3
Meet Little Nis. This giant was close to the road overlooking a lake with a nearby bridge I was on when taking these photos. My original though was a troll but I don't think it was built to represent mean! The rain was on-again and off-again and we didn't have much desire to hike out any closer to see Little Nis up close. Don't make fun the the few sprinkles you see on the lake. I assure you that moment did NOT represent what we were experiencing much of the day. These small cells (red on the radar) were blowing through the area and we were in and out of the car trying to time their arrival.
This giant looked to be the smallest of the three and wraprd up our day at Bernheim. We drove deeper into the forest where there were several trailheads that my get explored in another trip with a little less weather.
After sending the message this morning, I stumbled onto this video where the artist reads a story that inspired the giants (or vice versa?). Anyway, the family are indeed trolls and Mama Loumari is pregnant with her third child - thus the large belly.
Here is a link to videos if interested or bored.
Doug White
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