Wildflowers - 02
The Bluebonnet gets most of the glory in Texas. Yes, it is the official flower of the state but the Indian Paintbrush is almost always the first to take full bloom and announce spring. These two stems were clearly at the end of their days for this year. They were nicely lit by the sun and the grass framed them to stand out. As I was preparing the photo to be shared, the small grasshopper became a bonus. I had not noticed it while taking the photo. No, I don't like grasshoppers and do not defend them but this guy adds a little something to the photo. I was surprised by the length of his antenna. I have included a closer crop of the same photo to see more flower and grasshopper detail.
I received a few guesses to my questions regarding wood preparation (4/15 e-mail). No one has been very close on any of the answers other than identifying maple and walnut as two of the species. No, there is no cherry in this build. I will post first round of the answers (species and number of layers) tomorrow. You still have time to make a guess. The final project will be at a later date.
Doug White
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