2016 Apache - 04

A water canon salute is a traditional aviation event marking a significant passing event. One example is when a longtime pilot takes his/her last flight or a significant plane is retired. As this event marked the last official flight of Apaches at Conroe, they set up a water canon salute for the Apaches as they passed in review and headed out to fly for the ceremonies.

The first photo shows the setup of fire truck and a nice water arch. You see a couple of photographers near the trucks and a videographer (short video at https://youtu.be/hQLAGut20Xs not mine) in the foreground. The five Apaches were lining up to pass through the arch in review.

Let's just say that a water canon salute for a helicopter is VERY different than one for an airplane! An airplane taxis through the water arch with little issue. A helicopter pulls the water down to the ground and soaks anybody and everybody in its path sending the photographers running (my buddy Pedro in the red shirt)! I was fortunate enough to be high on a fork lift for the shots. Chris stated that they were essentially blinded by the massive downwash for a hot minute getting through the spray hoping all was clear in front of them and no runup from behind! All ended well and it was a great time with some good laughs.

In this age of an all-volunteer Army, anyone that tells you that the armed forces are made up of dropouts and misfits has absolutely ZERO idea of what is really taking place on the inside. These men and women are absolute professionals highly trained in their skill of protecting American interests around the world. I thank them for their service.


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