2016 High Island - 01

I have to admit that I did not mow yesterday as my body was just a little too sore from moving mulch the day before. That's OK. Today WILL be the day.

I have to resort back to photos from the past as I don't have anything new to share. The Houston Audubon Society maintains a bird sanctuary and rookery at High Island, TX called Smith Oaks. It is one of the premier locations to view amazing birds in the wild. Every spring, a wonderful variety of wading birds nest on a small island with great viewing platforms on nearby land. Birders from the world over come to this place at this time of the year. I try to get there at least once per year but have missed the last couple with COVID crap. Myself and two other photographer friends will return this Thursday. This is the earliest I have visited the site so I'm hoping nesting is progressing. We will see soon! Until then, I will be sharing a few shots from that 2016 trip. If you ever decide to visit, be prepared to fend off mosquitos.

A Great White Egret in its breeding colors and plumage is hard to beat! The first photo is a rather regal pose. The second photo shows a bird preening to make sure he/she looks their best. A slight wind from the right ruffled its iconic long breeding plumes giving us a little more detail of feathers. You also see a nest in the background. People's fashion desires for these feathers in the 1800's nearly wiped out the species. Conservation efforts have been very successful and the species is no longer endangered.


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