Kodiak 9/20 - Boat 04
I had just a couple of things on my "want" list for this trip based on our trip last year. I really wanted to return to Puffin Island and take more photos of these unique birds. They were everywhere last year (late July, early August) and constantly flying to the sea, catching fish, and returning to their nests on the island. Puffins were everywhere and it was clear the island was aptly named. Puffin Island is located about half way between Womens Bay and the town of Kodiak and is pretty exposed with no other land structure close by. The wind was pushing us around pretty hard as we would position the boat, kill it, and then drift (quickly!) along the island to keep noise down and hopefully see wildlife. My dreams of a repeat of last year were quickly dashed as about all we saw were a few gulls. The puffins migrate to islands in the north Pacific Ocean for the winter (I had to look that up after the trip). Now I know to not expect puffins in late September.
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