Hummers - 01
Hummingbirds migrate through our area in the spring and fall. For some reason, it has been over a year since we saw more than 2-4 birds at our house. We have a decent population visiting our house this month. I have no idea what happened but we are happy to have them back. They are just fun to watch. We probably have 20-30 birds which is much below our typical (before the past year) but still very entertaining.
Ounce for ounce, they may be one of the most fierce animals on the planet! The aerial swordfights happen fast and there is luck involved in catching the action. I take around 100 photos to get a shot that I will share. My first photoshoot this year was with heavy clouds and lighting was poor which prevented me from setting shutter speeds fast enough to fully stop the action. I'll be sending hummingbird photos for the next few days.
These birds are very territorial over food. They clearly carry grudges against some and tolerate sharing the feeder with others. Obviously, these two are not buddies.
Doug White
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