Lt. Gen. James F. “Holly" Hollingsworth ’40

A&M has a rich military history and one of the most notable alumni is Lt. Gen. James F. "Holly" Hollingsworth '40. He was "a three-time recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross along with four Silver Stars, six Purple Hearts, and a host of additional medals and commendations. His career spanned wars both cold and hot, and throughout, "Holly" was a hard-charging, hands-on soldier who could be irreverent and brash but always "led from the front."" 

The best information I can find states that he is the most decorated general officer from A&M and the third most decorated American soldier in the history of this nation.

As a new A&M graduate, he served under Patton's Third Army Division leading tanks against dug-in German troops. 

His radio call sign during the Vietnam War was "Danger 79er" that stayed with him the remainder of his career. This statue was dedicated in 1999 (with him present) and is located at the entrance of the Quad (where the Corps of Cadets live). The plaque reads "He was revered by his troops and feared by his enemy as a warrior who was always on the scene in times of need or at times of immense peril."

He retired from the army in 1973 and authored the Hollingsworth Report in 1976 that outlined the need for better funding and readiness following Vietnam. He died in 2010 a few weeks short of his 92nd birthday and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.


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