Academic Building - 1
A quick side-note for the Rudder Tower photo yesterday. Rudder tower is a bit taller than the cliffs that Rudder's Army Rangers had to scale using ladders, rocket-propelled grappling hooks, and ropes - all while under intense fire from the Germans. Think about that height next time you walk past that building. Of the original 250 men, 77 were killed and 152 were wounded. The sum of these two numbers is what was reported as casualties in my note yesterday.
I took several photos of the Academic Building while on my afternoon trip. I used a technique to capture the full dynamic range (bright to dark) of the scene. It is nearly impossible to capture great sky detail and still keep detail in the darker shadows. This is a composite of 5 shots taken at different exposures and then blended. I really liked this view of the building framed by the live oaks.
Doug White
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