Palo Duro Canyon - 05

As I was off the trail shooting the photo shared yesterday, my eagle-eyed hiking partners spotted some activity on top of the adjacent ridge. I zoom in as far as the lens on my camera could and this is the photo. You see a couple of Aoudad Sheep. I figured they would quickly leave as there is no doubt they were watch us. This species of sheep were originally brought from North Africa in the 1940's (at least that is the common story/belief). They like the arid and rugged landscape and have done well. They escaped their original containment and a decision was made to introduce them to the panhandle canyons in 1957 near Palo Duro Canyon (south of Claude) and then additionally near Caprock Canyons (Quitaque). The Texas heard is now larger than the native heard in North Africa. According to most literature, they are not often seen in the public areas of Palo Duro Canyon park. It is interesting that the official park website does not include a photo of the sheep - maybe confirming that they are not a common in the park. Much of the canyon is in private ownership and those residents are known to feed the sheep corn.

I have little doubt that we were very fortunate this beautiful morning.


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