BBSP White Ibis

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This is one last shot from my recent trip to Brazos Bend State Park. I always find it odd that many long-legged shorebirds often rest on one foot with the other raised high into their body. Not many humans would ever consider a single leg more restful than two. As an engineer, I look at this pose as a bit top-heavy and unstable with the center of mass so high. Nothing about this stance looks restful! I have a hypothesis with absolutely no basis! Maybe they adapted to being so stable on one leg to minimize their exposure to predators in the water.

There is a slight juxtaposition about shorebirds in trees. Yes, they nest and roost in trees but it still looks odd to me in the middle of the day. The light, surroundings, and ibis in this photo just says beauty in my eyes.

Doug White


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