Red-winged Blackbirds
First, I hope you had a memorable Christmas. It was incredible to hear from so many of you. Thank you.
A murmuration is large flock of birds behaving together (like a school of fish in the ocean). I'm sure that is not the official definition but it is close enough for my simple mind. Here in the south, we get to see very large gatherings of some species of birds. While on the private property in Bridge City, there was a large group of red-winged blackbirds gathered around a couple of trees in the rice fields. These groupings grow in size in the late afternoon as they will roost overnight with each other. We were on the property at the right time - late afternoon - with the sun behind my back. Many large flocks flew in over the fields into these two trees. I stood there and watched with joy as something would startle them and they would all fly up (loudly!), circle the trees a couple of times, and then land back to their spots. I could have just parked my rear there and watched for another hour.
This photo is one of the trees. The second tree is to the left off-camera. Both trees were full of birds and the grass area between them was just as populated.
This photo is a close crop of the photo above clearly showing both male and female coloration. You can see the top of the tree at the bottom of the photo. Did I tell you I am TOTALLY THRILLED with the capability of this camera and lens! Look at this detail and smile with me!
Stay in touch!
Doug White
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