Whooping Pelicans - Pt1

So all of these pelicans decided to land in the same area as our boat and family of whooping cranes. We saw them approaching from a long way off so I have no idea what attracted them to our location.

This is a portion of the pelicans after most of the flocks landed. They were spread wider than my lens could capture.

The family of whoopers went on about their business looking for food. You can see how perspective changes our view of size. The colt is in the foreground, is more horizontal, and possibly in deeper water so it looks much smaller than the parent. When side-by-side, on ground, and both standing tall, the colt and parent are much closer in size.

As the family continues their stroll along the marsh, the water channel leads them to a large group of pelicans. The colt is easy to spot and the two parents have their head down looking for food.

Hmmm..... What do you think happens next?

Stay in touch!
Doug White


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