Pelican Submission
First, I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Many of you wrote back and wished me a happy Thanksgiving (thank you). Indeed, we were blessed with a good family gathering in Amarillo. We are even more fortunate to claim we survived I-35 and the awful mess around Waco. We left Amarillo at 6:00 this morning to try and avoid the expected traffic jam as everyone returned from the holidays. Traffic was bad at noon so I don't wish to think what traffic was like this evening.
The morning sun was behind us and provide a good opportunity to get a close view of the pelicans. They were all close enough that my telephoto lens couldn't capture the scope so you will have to be satisfied with small groups or individual portraits.
With the pelicans having left the area, the family of whooping cranes decided to leave also. Strange what drives decisions to fly. The two parents took off first with the colt trailing. I was too focused on getting good in-flight photos that I did not get a photo of all three in one frame.
It was clearly time for us to head to a new location.
Stay in touch!
Doug White
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