2016 High Island - 03
One of the most colorful birds on the gulf coast is the Roseate Spoonbill and they also nest at the rookery at Smith Oaks. You might catch a distant glimpse of them at other times of the year around shore waters but the number and breeding colors are spectacular at this location and this time of the year (not to mention getting so close). In the first shot, the spoonbill is looking down at an intruder to his area. In the second shot, you see him spread his wings and clap that large bill to make other bird leave. You also see why they are called spoonbills! You see these birds use their large beak hitting and "biting" each other in territory scuffles. The sound is relatively loud and sounds like two wood blocks hitting each other. Thanks, Doug White https://jdwarchive.blogspot.com/